Game development & Design

> Game development & Design

Game Development & Design

Gaming is a very big large industry, Children play games a lot. We want children to create their own game too.

Put your gaming experience and imagination into action, ending up with an original creation that you can take home, play and show to family and friends. This is a class for all abilities and ages.

The fundamentals covered in Video Game Design are a great first step into the world of coding. Students are introduced to object-oriented programming, and a behaviour-based logic system – applying behaviours and attributions, testing, debugging and fine-tuning products – that comprises a core component of computer science and is familiar to any programmer. Our small group sizes with close guidance from tutors mean that students can move at the pace that best suits them while developing their games. This is a rich course and one of our most popular, and many kids take it more than once to take their skills even further.  

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Enugu , Nigeria
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