Coding Courses

Coding has exploded in recent years, changing from something used in computer games and the occasional electronic device, to something which shapes the way that we live in the modern world. Pretty much every device, electronic item, and modern piece of machinery contains at least a little bit of code. As the number of use cases for coding grows, the number of coding jobs available will also continue to grow. This means that now is an excellent time for learning how to code for beginners.

"Many of children’s everyday activities use STEAM skills, even if we don’t typically think of them in that way"

Visual programming with Scratch

 When they learn to create code of their own with scratch, they are no longer passive recipients of the technology around them, but drivers of the digital age. We like to create things with fun, like-minded people.

Web Design & Development

Whether it’s understanding why a program won’t run or learning how to debug a program, problem-solving is a huge part of coding. Learning how to resolve technical issues often involves conversations, reading how-tos, practicing logical thought and troubleshooting, all of which are transferable skills.

App Inventor

Teaching children how exciting it can be to build their own Apps to solve a problem to help their community is what we do in our App inventor class.

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Enugu , Nigeria
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