Get Your Child Psyched About STEAM

WhatsApp Image 2019-07-19 at 5.20.17 PM

Looking for an after-school activity your child will love? A new experience that will spark your child’s interest in STEAMbuild skills for the future and be a ton of fun? Don’t miss the Robotics  programs we have!

Your son or daughter will have a blast exploring real-world challenges using robotics to investigate possible solutions. Our Robotics programs offer fun, hands-on experiences that get the kids excited about the world around them. Get ready to inspire an early love for STEAM in them!

The Benefits of Early involvement Robotics programs for your child :

  • Enjoy exciting projects that use 21st century skills
    Each session, there’s a new challenge to solve, a new experiment to conduct and a new robot to build. Our projects encourage problem solving and collaboration — skills that will give your child an edge in school and careers.
  • Build confidence with STEAM
    Your child can expect a small class size and personal attention. We’ve intentionally created a supportive learning environment that encourages creativity, exploration and hands-on problem solving.
  • Have a blast with hands-on challenges
    The kids are always challenged and having fun, whether they’re programming LEGO® models to follow commands or experimenting with everyday materials to solve real-world problems. And our teachers are right there to spark your child’s curiosity.
  • Whether organized through a private program or founded within your child’s school, learning robotic skills is a life-long investment.  These skills easily bleed into other STEM fields such as math and science and allow your child to grow a genuine interest in how the world works. Although these programs teach valuable skills and knowledge, children and teenagers easily become so caught up in the creativity and excitement, they don’t even realize how much they are learning. Both parents and teachers will notice the strong benefits many students experience dramatic grade improvements. 

This is STEAM at its best! Ask about bringing our STEAM programs to your school.

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Enugu , Nigeria
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